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About us

Our story starts here...

Dora Lynn McClain was the true inspiration for the entire Tovuti platform! Born in Barrow, Alaska, and a proud member of the Inuit tribe, which extends across the circumpolar region of Northern Alaska, Canada, and Greenland, Dora is the youngest sister of our founder, Troy McClain. Dora Lynn is blessed to be a Special Olympian, armed with special abilities that allow her to bring love, energy, and smiles to everyone she meets. She serves as our #1 inspiration for building the platform and as our lead cleaning engineer. When you meet this amazing young lady, your day will be brighter, and your perspective on life will be illuminated.


The work of Tovuti starts with our people. Our team is comprised of people who exhibit characteristics that we believe to be unicorns among the masses. This means we get the privilege to work alongside outstanding people as a team. The culture that we curate is a direct reflection of the team’s health and wellness. We work hard to provide a safe, exciting, and inspiring work environment to move our company forward and advance the skills of our people. Prepare to be challenged and expect to grow alongside an extraordinary team.


In short, we base our actions on being honest, moral, and ethical. This looks different for individuals, however, holding yourself accountable to these actions spreads to the way you treat colleagues and clients. At Tovuti, we strive for a culture that praises honesty, even when we make mistakes. Honesty is not based in fear, but rather in accountability to be trustworthy, loyal, and fair. Owning up to our faults provides a safe environment for trial-and-error innovation and fuels the growth of our company.


At Tovuti we always inspire, uplift, and serve ourselves, our team members, and our clients. The daily purpose of our actions is to serve others by uplifting and inspiring their potential. Serving others means we are worthy of reliance and trust in a relationship. Within these relationships, we get the opportunity to serve by uplifting and inspiring. To uplift is to elevate someone morally or spiritually to a positive level or state of mind. To inspire is to fill someone with the ability to do something, especially to do something creative.


History and meaning of MOYO

Moyo is a Swahili word used to describe the heart of one’s character; it is an encapsulating term to describe an honorable spirit of moral fiber. To be “moyo” is to be respected and revered in the community. It is the centerpiece of Tovuti’s culture. We strive to be moyo in every way- starting within, and extending this excellence to our families, colleagues, product, and customers. Collectively, we have come up with the four operating principles that make up our heart to keep us moyo and moving forward.

Our Culture


    Our aptitude for adaptability sets us apart. We always take into account the unexpected and are ready to creatively problem solve to reach our goals. We do this by defining our goals before we create the process to get there. This doesn’t mean we aren’t dependable on sticking to a process – it means we are capable of adjusting strategy if we find that a more effective or efficient way to reach our objectives.


    Timely, open, and honest communication is the key to successful teams and bonds. We believe that if you need something, then to say it. Speaking up allows us to remove roadblocks, cultivate ideas, uncover misunderstandings, and confirm beliefs. Our method of communication is three-part – first, we share our appreciation, then our concerns, and finally our solutions.


    This fundamental works in two ways. Because our team is comprised of top-tier talent, we always look at how we can best advance. We always look to promote from our own talent pool before we look to hire from the outside. In another sense, we always promote ourselves when we represent our brand to clients. It is important to us that we focus on the services and solutions Tovuti can provide. We never belittle other brands or compare, but rather we promote our experts, ideas, and products.


    We believe that a positive mindset is the bridge between can’t and can. We look at the impossible and think “How can we do that?” At Tovuti, we achieve extraordinary outcomes by keeping our minds focused on what we can accomplish. We actively challenge ourselves and each other to keep this mindset as we are tasked with challenges. By encouraging the accountability of positive mindsets, we write blank checks for problem-solving.


    Tovuti is a team of problem solvers that always believes there is a solution. The focus of our work is to provide clients with meaningful solutions that work for their Learning Management Software needs. We hold problem-solving as a standard for our own company as well. To identify a problem, we also expect that a solution (or many!) be presented as well. Problems present opportunity for idea cultivation, growth, and innovation.

Our Values

If MOYO is at the heart of the way we live our lives and operate as a company, then these fundamental beliefs are the tools we use to guide us into the MOYO lifestyle.


Our motivating goals are to be honest, moral, and ethical. Our team has a sincere and intrinsic drive to inspire innovation in our teams, uplifting each other to accomplish the impossible to best serve our clients with superior outcomes.


The team at Tovuti is just that – a team. We believe that we all have a role to uphold the Tovuti culture, brand, and product. Our team mindset keeps every person accountable, reliable, and responsible for their role in supporting each other. When one of us wins, we all win, and when one of us loses we have the whole team for support. Operating with unity provides family, comradery, and an invaluable oneness within our culture.


Deeply fundamental to our growth is to keep curiosity alive and the elements we learn from early childhood. We regularly encourage our team to re-read childhood classics. We review often the simple qualities that children’s books remind us of – kindness, generosity, curiosity, and belief in one’s ability to create, explore, and stand up for what matters.


We approach problems as opportunities that we can overcome. When a challenge arises, we accept it head-on, confident that as a team we can find the right solutions to overcome. Overcoming means that when a challenge is presented, we have the drive to continue and the creativity to do so successfully.