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Online training offers many business benefits. It can greatly increase learner engagement and training completion rates, save money, and much more.

Top 9 business advantages of online training

Remote activities have become popular in recent years. Remote working, in particular, is well known for its numerous benefits. Likewise, online training has many benefits, especially for the businesses and organizations offering them.

Online training sometimes has a reputation for being dry or not engaging enough for learners. But, if done correctly, online training has many benefits that can actually greatly increase learner engagement and training completion rates – more so than in-person learning. Here are some of the top advantages of offering training online.

Saves your company money – a lot of money

Online education or training can greatly reduce the costs of training and save your company a significant amount of money. Through online training, you save money on the travel required for learners to gather in person.

You also save the labor cost required for booking travel and accommodations and scheduling trainings. And you save the costs associated with in-person instructor fees and physical meeting rooms – all of which can add up to significant savings.

Allows employees to learn at their own pace

Everyone is different. We all learn at different rates and in different ways. While some people may catch on to a topic right away, others may need more time. One of the biggest benefits of online learning is that it allows employees to learn at their own pace. Online courses can often be set up so administrators can set a completion date and let employees work through the material as they desire. When you allow employees to learn according to their needs, you have a higher chance of knowledge retention and completion.

Makes training accessible to all employees

Another major benefit of online training is that it increases accessibility to employees in a variety of ways. First, it provides training access to all employees, regardless of geographic location. Employees are not limited by remoteness or travel restrictions – something that can help retain good talent.

Second, it can make training accessible to employees with disabilities. Depending on the learning management platform, many have capabilities that can accommodate disabilities – something in-person training often can’t do. An LMS may have features such as captions for videos, color-ratio images, and keyboard-only functions that increase access to employees with disabilities.

Third, you can make your training more accessible to employees through language settings. You can offer training in different languages according to the region of your employees, which can be especially helpful for employers with a global workforce.

Ensures consistent, comprehensive training for large workforces

Online training allows you to standardize your training programs. As a result, you can provide consistent training to your entire workforce, no matter how small or large it is. Again, this is really helpful for employers with large, global workforces.

When everyone has access to the same resources and is taught in the same way, the outcomes are likely to be more consistent than if you have multiple instructors teaching training material in their own way. Consistency with training reduces confusion and ensures that everyone is on the same page when it comes to a policy, process, or procedure that needs to be followed.

Easily scales and accommodates any number of employees

One of the biggest drawbacks of in-person training is that it is extremely difficult to scale. As a company adds more and more employees, it becomes harder to adapt physical locations to suit larger groups of people and accommodate a variety of schedules. This is made all the more difficult when employees are located in different regions.

Since there is almost no limit to the number of people that can access an online training course, online education is easily scalable. The only limitation is that you and your learning management provider must have the back-end technology to support it.

Accommodates a variety of work schedules

Trying to accommodate a variety of employee schedules for training can be challenging, particularly if the training is in person. And once a company grows, this becomes even more difficult. One of the advantages of online education is that it can accommodate any schedule.

Since employees can log in and complete training whenever, online learning provides a flexible training option that can suit all employees’ schedules. Some learning management platforms may even give administrators the option to group trainings according to departments to better suit groups of schedules.

Provides ongoing access to resources

Another major benefit of online training is that it provides ongoing access to resources. Some learners may want to revisit parts of training or course materials after they’ve finished them to refresh their memory. Or others may want to redo courses.

An online education platform allows users to do this and more. Some platforms even have the ability to store a full database of additional resources that learners can access at any time. This allows learners to continue their education and have a dynamic reference repository.

Tracks employee performance and guides business decisions

One of the best things about offering training in an online format is that you have the ability to track and analyze your learner data – something that’s not possible with fully in-person training. Using analytics tools, you can see things like who’s completed their training, identify learners who may need more support, and even pinpoint knowledge or skills gaps.

You can then leverage this information to make informed business decisions. Perhaps you see that your workforce is struggling with a particular topic and you want to add additional training in that area. Or you see that certain trainings are not effective or have low engagement. Analytics tools can help determine those things.

A learning management system makes learning fun and engaging without the hassle

A learning management platform provides gamified, engaging learning experiences – all without the hassle. Tovuti’s learning management system has over 40 plug-and-play content features that make administration easy and keep learners interested. Additionally, Tovuti offers badges, certifications, and leadership boards to keep learners motivated.

Tovuti is a fully customizable, turnkey solution that engages learners for increased completion rates and can even help reduce employee turnover. With Tovuti’s platform, employees won’t even realize they’re learning. And with analytics tools, you can track and manage employee training at a granular level to increase employee productivity and ROI.

Create fun and engaging learning experiences for employees without the hassle


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